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SHARP MANUAL 10 Kg ES-T1090 Kategori: ELEKTRONIK » MANUAL » MESIN CUCI » Sharp | 518 Kali Dilihat

SHARP MANUAL 10 Kg ES-T1090 Reviewed by admin on . This Is Article About SHARP MANUAL 10 Kg ES-T1090

ES-T1090-BK-VK-PK Fitur Utama : Capacity 10 kg Durable and corrotion free plastic cabinet Water purification system Wash action heavy and normal ABS Transparantattractive colour (Violet, Pink & Blue) With neo crystal white colour body Specification (WM) (-) Model Dolphinwave Series Body Durable and corrotion free plastic cabinet Colour White color… Selengkapnya »

Rating: 1.0
1_0 stars
    Harga:Rp 2.150.000Kode Produk: ES-T1090-BK-VK-PK
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